
The Best Greece. The Most Famous Treasures and Places of Interest

The Best Greece. The Most Famous Treasures and Places of Interest
Ancient Greece, Classic Greece, a tour around Ancient Greece – this tourist programme has various names. As for me, the name “Classic Greece” reflects the essence of the programme.
6 - 8 days
A car tour from the north to the south of Greece
6 regions
Macedonia, Thessaly, Central Greece, Attica, Peloponnese, Epirus
935 euros
All the transfers, accommodation and sightseeing are included into the price
Tour programme
what was waiting for you?
Thessaloniki. The Northern capital of Greece.
A legendary Olympus Mountain. If we were in luck, we would meet Zeus himself there!
Meteores. Monasteries floating in the skies.
Mysterious Delphi. It’s famous for the “navel of the world” and the sanctuary of Apollo which served as an oracle where mighty people would go to receive prophecies through the words of the Pythia. She delivered oracles in a frenzied state induced by vapours rising from a chasm in the rock. Everyone can wash oneself in the Castalian Spring. The spring was regarded as a source of poetic inspiration and a prophet power. Will you try to cleanse yourself there?
Ancient Athens. A cradle of European civilization.
Epidavros is famous for its ancient theatre, a wonder of acoustics, and also for the Sanctuary of Asklepios, the god of healing.
We’ll face outstanding sights we’ve learnt about at school lessons. Then it was a dream to see those ancient monuments. We’re also going to visit unknown locations.
Apart from traditional destinations within this programme we’ll visit a not so well-known Epirus.
Tour is available: from October to May
Departure from Thessaloniki. Number of days and a route can be changed according to your wish and abilities.
Why choosing this tour?
There are 3 good reasons to go
“The Best Greece” tour provides you a rich cultural programme and a chance to admire unforgettable beauty of the country.
A New Prospect
Suppose, you’ve never been to Greece and want to see all the country within a trip. Or maybe you’ve had a beach holiday but didn’t have a chance to see the country. If you’re interested in cultural and natural sights and you enjoy travelling this tour is definitely for you! A programme “The Best Greece” gives you an opportunity to feel each city on the route. Your guide will provide you with detailed information.
A Rich Cultural Programme without Crowds and Queues
Amazing cities and sights are waiting for us on the route. Timing of the tour corresponds to your wishes. Whether you want to wander around the streets searching for a café, to immerse into the life of locals and to drink a cup of coffee in your own sweet time you can do it. You won’t have to waste your time waiting for a group to gather.
Multi-day programme is less expensive than several excursions are.
A Tour Details
Rooms for 1 or 2 people
Accommodation in 3* and 4* hotels. Breakfast included.
Age: 12+
This tour suits for tourists of any age, both the youngest and mature travelers.
No prepayment
Air tickets are enough for confirmation.
Cost: from 935 EUR
A final cost of the tour is calculated individually and depends on a number of tourists in a group and a number of days.
A small group 3 – 6 persons. Transfers, accommodation and sightseeing are included. A night excursion to Athens is also included.

Additional charges may arise when you buy entrance tickets to museums, archeological parks and monasteries.
  • A small group 3 – 6 persons. Transfers, accommodation and sightseeing are included. A night excursion to Athens is also included.
  • Additional charges may arise when you buy entrance tickets to museums, archeological parks and monasteries.
Dimitrios Papadopoulos
licensed tour guide

I’ve been working in the sphere of tourism since 1996. In 2003 I got a guide’s license. I specialize on tailor-made programmes and tours.
My goal is to prove by my own example that an excursion is not a dull and impersonalized article from a guide-book but it’s a fascinating journey, it’s not my monologue but our dialogue. Each day of an excursion is unique and full of information.
Dimitrios Papadopoulos
licensed tour guide

I’ve been working in the sphere of tourism since 1996. In 2003 I got a guide’s license. I specialize on tailor-made programmes and tours.
My goal is to prove by my own example that an excursion is not a dull and impersonalized article from a guide-book but it’s a fascinating journey, it’s not my monologue but our dialogue. Each day of an excursion is unique and full of information.

Want to plan your holiday?
Contact us!

Here you can book the date of your tour, order a tour cost calculation and ask any questions :)

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